Arty Tuesday: Indie Games and Feedback Loops

Art speaks. It's time to stop and listen in community. Arty Tuesday is a project where we post one, two or three pieces of art or media that have made an impact on our lives over the past week. We are moving past what we 'like' towards discernment. Really seeing. 

Share your pieces, then take a moment to comment on the sharing of others. Join the conversation!

Oh, and by the way, this week marks a milestone for Arty Tuesday - the feedback loop. This week I watched a film that was recommended a few weeks back in the comments. I love it when this sort of 'feedback loop' begins - when previous pieces resurface because someone else has gotten around to engaging with them. It is proof that my life (or at least my viewing) is a bit different because of my time spent with this community. Thank you.



Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.