
3 Steps to Make Me Better

3 Steps to Make Me Better


Driving this afternoon I hit a moment of clarity head on. It dawns on me. Mastering the Art of living is hard, but simple. In fact, like all good formulas, it's a 3 step process on infinite repeat.

Live well. Pay attention. Share the good.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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A Poem A Day Keeps the Lazy Away

I've been challenged by good friend Edward Van Vliet to join him in NaPoWriMo. We are writing a new poem every day for April - Poetry Month.

I took this one with great trepidation, but so far, I'm happy with the results. It's amazing what will speak when you give it voice.

I've written 7 poems so far, and you can find them all on my personal website at

Part of the joy of posting things raw is the feedback I have received. It's making me a better writer. Taking comments into consideration on yesterday's poem, here is a rewrite, which I'm only posting here for now.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

People Will Surprise You

People Will Surprise You

I am always surprised when people are given permission. 

When we ask people to speak and we open our ears, they say the most amazing things. When we give a platform, we discover latent talents. When we listen first, we hear what we've been missing.

It's Saturday night. I am hosting at Open Mic at The Carrot Community Arts Coffeehouse. This is no ordinary open mic. There is brittle discomfort. An palpable air of sorrow. Smiles must push through tension. One of our community died last week. I imagine that when I share this news, many are hearing it for the first time.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Quick and Dirty: The Cost of Quantity

Quick and Dirty: The Cost of Quantity

Life is full of trade-offs. So is art.

Last week I was reminded of a choice I’ve made. When it comes to this blog, I’ve chosen quantity over quality.

Don’t get me wrong. The heart of every post, I believe, has real value. I’m saying what I intend to say and usually saying it well. I am proud of this living document. Just don’t read too closely.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Slow Hope and Life2

Slow Hope and Life2

Grace and I are working with Mark to hang Life2, the new exhibit at The Bleeding Heart Art Space. The task is common–deciding what to hang where, and what to leave out. Our space is not large and we want each image to have the impact it deserves. The variables of this decision are a lot more complicated this time around.

Life2 is a show full of stories. True stories. Stories still being written. Stories with twists. Uncertain stories. Each photo represents a life being lived. A person who was in prison, but is now experiencing their second chance. All of the fear and doubt and judgement and shame that come with that. All of the hope for the past to stay the past.

But some pasts are just so strong. 

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

On the Other Side of Commitment

On the Other Side of Commitment

Is this call to ‘more' a call to freedom? 

What if we already have what we want? 

I’m not saying I do, but is that even a possibility? To have all one wants? To not always be moving towards the next desire?

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

Make a Neighbour Smile in 13 Minutes

Make a Neighbour Smile in 13 Minutes

So I shovel all three walks. And it takes about 13 minutes. And I leave before 9 AM on my way to the Bleeding Heart Art Space to write a new #ArtScene13 post for this weekend. Only I don’t write that post. I write this one.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

5 things I learned Interviewing 4 artists

5 things I learned Interviewing 4 artists

When I decided to start a podcast this year I didn’t know much. I’d never recorded interviews with people. That’s the part that scared me. Still does. Having the right questions. Knowing how to steer a conversation and when to take my hands off the wheel. 

I had no idea how much I was about to learn, sitting across the table from other creatives. 

I’m just 4 artists in, but here, in no particular order, are some of the best lessons so far.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

When You Become a Grown Up

When You Become a Grown Up

I am sitting on the wet, icy road with a tire jack in my hands, looking for the spot under my car that will bear the weight. I am about to change my tire for the first time, forced into this by necessity. I am 34 years old and I have no idea what I’m doing. But I’m doing it anyways. I have just become an adult.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.

It's Just Art

It's Just Art

Sometimes those of us who create for a living stop to question the value of what we are giving our lives to. Especially if we want to make the world a better place. Especially if I want to pour myself out for faith, hope and love. Especially when I encounter injustice. In the face of all this brokenness, isn’t there more we could do? 

But artist, keep making. It is more than ‘just art’. To make art is just

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.