#ArtsTalkTuesday: What is Beautiful

It's that time again - #ArtsTalkTuesday – the time we gather round the campfire and share what has been speaking to us from the world of the arts. This week we continue to focus on a single question. What do you find beautiful?

With two good friends I've been reflecting on beauty. What is it? Is it anything? It is subjective? How can it be defined?

We've wrestled with these questions, but through the wrestling, it's inarguable that we are each moved by beauty. Whatever it is, whether or not we can define its edges, it moves us. It calls out for our response.

So rather than define beauty, we decided to share what we feel is beautiful. Perhaps, this way, we can look for common threads. We can 'reverse engineer' this amorphous quality we call beauty. Or, just as valuable, we can forget the definitions and discover new ways to experience beauty.

Please tell us what art you find beautiful.

Show us where to look. Be specific. List music, movies, books, dances, paintings, sculpture, installation – anything that leaps to mind at the mention of beauty.


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