Watch Your Click Finger - Here Come 13 More Rabbit Holes! — Bleeding Heart Art Space

Watch Your Click Finger - Here Come 13 More Rabbit Holes!

Look out folks. I hope you've stored away some precious moments because here come those rabbit holes of the internet again, to tempt you with their linky goodness!

  1. You may want to put that phone down and take some notes by hand. Apparently sketching is real good for you.
  2. One disadvantage of a paper notebook is that it is hard to organize to find things later on. Or, maybe there is an easy way to organize a paper notebook?
  3. For some of us, Back to School means time for working from home, free from distractions. But how do we get the work done? Here's how Ira Glass, host of This American Life, works.
  4. Speaking of Back to School - take a moment to remember your art teachers.
  5. Maybe, among other things, those art teacher gave you some wonderful words about art?
  6. Maybe it's time for some more training? How about free online courses from CreativeLive?
  7. No really, you may want to put that phone down.
  8. Looking for a way to connect with artistic community? Why not try an Arts Potluck?
  9. "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time." - Thomas Merton in No Man Is An Island (via etechne)
  10. Speaking of email, I started my own newsletter today. Can I send you some tasty emails?

  11. Want to send your own newsletter? The newly redesigned Tiny Letter, from the good folks at MailChimp, is as easy as it gets.
  12. Speaking of design, did you know it affects just about everything? And most of our problems, according to visionary Bruce Mau in a recent CBC interview, are problems of design
  13. Of course, there is also the opportunity to make things much, much better, like in this powerful poem from spoken word artist Joel McKerrow.

Care to share a link of your own? Take advantage of the comments below!

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