Bleeding Hearts Club

State of the Heart: An Update on Our Winter Fundraising Campaign

State of the Heart: An Update on Our Winter Fundraising Campaign

“How did that fundraising campaign go?”

It’s a question I’ve been asked more than once in these early days of a new year. The question is encouraging, because it shows people are aware we have had a fundraising campaign, and because they care how we are doing. But the answer is complicated.

I want to say ‘Amazing! We hit our goal in record time!’, but that would be a lie. In fact, we didn’t hit our goal at all. So far, we’ve missed it by more than half.

This isn’t a bad news update. I’m very happy with where the Bleeding Heart stands today, and our prospects for a long, healthy future as a space for art, faith, hope and love on the Ave. 

To understand why I’m happy, you have to understand the numbers I was looking at just over a month ago, as 2016 was coming to a close.

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