Discover The Art of Deep Freeze Festival
Deep Freeze turns 10 this year. It’s hard to believe that just 10 years ago Iwas secretly thinking Arts On The Ave was crazy for creating a winter festival, building on the success of the big Kaleido fall festival. I was not a fan of winter (I’m still not) and thought no one would want to attend something outdoors this time of year, never mind show up to help put the thing on. I’ve been wrong so many times.
Deep Freeze has won me over with many magic moments. Holding hands with my family as we watched the first Deep Freeze fireworks certainly stands out. I got to try old-timey curling for the first time, and cabane-a-sucre, the insta-freeze maple syrup sucker created on a bed of snow. I’ve slid the ice slide and push my kids in a ski-studded deep freezer. There’s been a lot of skating, too.
With such a wealth of activities, don’t miss the great art on display at Deep Freeze.
Here are some of the most arty bits you’ll want to watch for as you wander the grounds.
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