Penny Torres — Bleeding Heart Blog — Bleeding Heart Art Space

Penny Torres

Workshop Recap: Altered Books with Penny Torres

Workshop Recap: Altered Books with Penny Torres

I've never altered a book before.

Sure, I've highlighted and underlined and jammed a thousand sticky notes into the pages to mine the goodness from a book for posterity. But I have never transformed a book into a work of art.

Tonight, Penny Torres is going to teach me how to alter a book. 

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Interview: Altered Books with Penny Torres

Interview: Altered Books with Penny Torres

BH: Penny, you are leading a workshop on Altered Books at Bleeding Heart on February 3. For someone who doesn’t know what an Altered Book is (like me, for instance), can you describe an Altered Book?

PT: An Altered book is kind of a cross between sculpture and and multi-media art. It's environmentally friendly because you use old discarded books and transform them into interest artistic statements. There are countless methods involved and they can be as easy or complicated as you like.

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Our Volunteers Are About to Get Some Love

Our Volunteers Are About to Get Some Love

Management of volunteers has been, well, piecemeal up until now. I’ve done what I can to connect with many of you, but there have been more last-minute ‘bail-us-out’ emails than I’d like because I haven’t been able to focus on filling shifts as much as is needed. Every once and a while, I’ve dropped a ball. Or two. Forgot to fill shifts. Double filled shifts. You, our volunteers, have been resilient. Reliable. Remarkable. You deserve better.


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