retreat — Bleeding Heart Blog — Bleeding Heart Art Space


New Creative Retreat Option and Small, Slow & Beautiful Updates

New Creative Retreat Option and Small, Slow & Beautiful Updates

Our Small, Slow and Beautiful Retreat is less than 2 months away and we've got some big news today.

First, we have decided to cancel our dedicated painting option. We are sad to do this because Jennifer Berkenbosch, our guide for the sessions, is awesome. The short story we didn't have the registration numbers we needed to proceed and we'd rather cancel now than wait and perhaps still cancel last minute.

This change gives us an opportunity to refocus on our Poetry Workshop with Stephen T Berg, and retool our 'open retreat option' into something much more exciting - a brand new Creative Retreat option, at the same low price! 

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We Need You to Register for Small, Slow & Beautiful THIS WEEK. Here's Why.

We Need You to Register for Small, Slow & Beautiful THIS WEEK. Here's Why.


This Monday, May 29, we will cancel any unused rooms with our retreat centre. You need to let us know you are coming by the end of the day Sunday, May 28. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your creative soul! 

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Two Ways to Save on Small, Slow and Beautiful!

Two Ways to Save on Small, Slow and Beautiful!

Did you miss our early bird deadline, but still want to take in this first-ever arts and faith retreat from Bleeding Heart at a reduced rate?

Maybe you're not into poetry, drawing or painting, but would love to spend a long weekend in creative community, work on your own stuff and take int the beauty created by others?

We've introduced two new options to accommodate as many attendees as possible at Small, Slow and Beautiful.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Macro Images to Get You Inspired For Small, Slow & Beautiful

Macro Images to Get You Inspired For Small, Slow & Beautiful

If you are a visual artist, you may be wondering about Macro Painting & Painting. What the heck is it? Is it for you? What can you expect to make over a long weekend at Small, Slow & Beautiful?

Macro images take a close-up look at our world. They train our eyes to pay attention. They show us 'the world in a grain of sand', as William Blake put it.

Here are some examples of wonderful macro images I've found online and from the work of friends, to get your creative imagination in gear.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to and let's chat.