Ah, Wendell Berry. You were the first poet I read from cover to cover. I saw what you saw, out that little window, and I'd like to think I felt some of what you felt. You first showed me how poems can be breathed like incense–how a poem can be a pool for dipping and diving. How a poem can be bread.
Bread fits, because Wendell Berry is also a farmer with a lot to say about sustainable, ethical food.
Film promotional image from the Kickstarter campaign for The Seer
A documentary 'Portrait of Wendell Berry' called The Seer is about to be released, and I cannot wait. Even if he does sound a wee bit curmudgeonly in this recent New York Times interview. I'm sure it's that lovable brand of curmudgeonly.
If you want to start with Berry where I did, read Window Poems.