It's Hard to Paint Walls White
I don't have a single white wall in my house. White walls drive me a little crazy. Tan? Sure. Steel blue. OK. Graphite? Yep. Fiesta orange? Why not. Teal? Yep. How about metallic gold. Mmm hmm. But not white.
Gallery walls are a different story. At Bleeding Heart Art Space, the walls should disappear, leaving the artwork to 'pop', front and centre. Unless, of course, the artwork is painted onto the walls.
One coat on ... this is going to take another coat :)
Last month our gallery walls were every colour in the rainbow, thanks to Borys Tarasenko's bold black brush strokes and your felt pen skills. It was an awesome month. Now we have another show ahead, and there is so much work to show that we absolutely need some nice, quiet walls to start.
I'm hoping you can help. Tomorrow (May 14) from 9-11 and 12 to 2, we'll be painting our walls (gasp!) white. Not pure white I suppose. 'Polar white'. We need as many as four helpers tomorrow.
If you can lend us a hand, I'd appreciate it. So would Bernice, who is about to fill our walls with another explosion of colour.
Email me at if you can help.
Dave Von Bieker
Artistic Director, Bleeding Heart Art Space
PS. We couldn't run this space without support from people like you. I hope you realize that every little bit counts, and you really, really, matter.
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