Julie Drew Captures Nature's Saturated Wonder
Julie Drew is no stranger to Bleeding Heart Art Space. She's been joining us for ArtLucks and other events since before we had a home. She's been encouraging artists of faith since long before that.
painting by Julie Drew
Julie captures the wonder of creation with her paintbrush. In my opinion, she does this best with a set of watercolours. Her saturated colours and fine detail challenge assumptions in a medium often known for faded, loose brushwork.
Add to all of this Julie's gentle heart; she is one who listens for God's voice in her life and shares his love with those around her.
Head on over to http://juliedrew-artandfaith.com to see samples of Julie's work.
Don't miss your opportunity to take Intro to Watercolours with Julie Drew next week for just $20!
Finally, Julie and her husband Sam have led Art: Vocabular for the Soul retreats for years at Kingsfold Retreat Centre in Southern Alberta. If a weekend of sacred, creative community in the beauty of creation sounds good to you, don't miss this event.
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