art vocabulary of the soul — Bleeding Heart Blog — Bleeding Heart Art Space

art vocabulary of the soul

Photos from Art: Vocabulary for the Soul

Photos from Art: Vocabulary for the Soul

Recently, I had the privilege of joining a dozen fine folks at King's Fold Retreat Centre, just outside of Cochrane, Alberta, for a weekend of faith and art. Julie and Sam Drew have been leading Art: Vocabulary for the Soul workshops for a number of years and I cannot imagine a better place to put creatives in touch with their Creator.

This weekend was a reminder to me of the beauty of every creative soul, the power of art to reach beneath the surface of things, and the majesty of creation itself. I'm grateful for all of those who shared some of their stories with me on the weekend, and for every act of creation I got to witness. One of my responses was to take photos. A lot of photos. I've whittled them down, somewhat, here. 

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Poem: Now by Heather Seargeant

Poem: Now by Heather Seargeant

The following poem has been graciously shared by Heather Seargeant, a participant at the recent Art: Vocabulary For The Soul Retreat held at King's Fold in June. 

The retreat was a journey taken in community, and as we gathered to share where we'd been led throughout the weekend, Heather shared this new poem. I asked her if I could share it with you, as I believe it calls us toward to Sacred Small–toward the great gift of attention we can offer to the world and one another. 

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Julie Drew Captures Nature's Saturated Wonder

Julie Drew is no stranger to Bleeding Heart Art Space. She's been joining us for ArtLucks and other events since before we had a home. She's been encouraging artists of faith since long before that.

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How Will You Invest in Your Self This Year?

How Will You Invest in Your Self This Year?

Why do we feel guilty spending money to further our creative careers?

Why does it feel indulgent to make investments that nurture and awaken our weary souls?

Spending money on workshops, retreats and resources can be a big pill to swallow but let me assure you, it is not money spent, it is money invested. The investment often has returns you simply cannot predict.



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