
Your Time is Almost Up to Give Four Gifts at Once at OPEN WALLS

Your Time is Almost Up to Give Four Gifts at Once at OPEN WALLS

Art is a fantastic gift idea. Who doesn’t need more beauty in their life? When you give an original work of art you are giving a gift that is literally one-of-a-kind. Rather than being shelved or given away, your gift winds up on the wall, looked at daily, perhaps for years to come. I have many pieces in my home from friends and artists I know, and I think of those people nearly every time I view that work. It’s a great way to build on connections with friends and family.   

Art is a great gift for the receiver, but did you know your art gift becomes four gifts?

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How OPEN WALLS is Opening My Eyes to Community

How OPEN WALLS is Opening My Eyes to Community

It's Friday morning, and I'm wondering what help I'm going to have for the big install. Most installs are simpler than this. Maybe a dozen pieces from one artist with just a couple of variations in size and structure. Usually, artworks arrive grouped together into a cohesive vision (that is, after all, how the artist landed the solo show in the first place). This install is much harder; this is OPEN WALLS.

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Everything You Need to Know about OPEN WALLS

Everything You Need to Know about OPEN WALLS

In a handy list format, here is everything you need to know about our upcoming show, OPEN WALLS.

1. OPEN WALLS is awesome. 

You might assume this a presumptuous declaration, but I know. I know because we did this last year, for the first time, and it went so very well. I have every reason to believe it will go well again this year. Seeing the creativity of so many people in one little room is awesome. See a wide range of styles and skills from a broad spectrum of artists is awesome. Thus, OPEN WALLS is awesome.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Welcome to Songs by Sunlight

Welcome to Songs by Sunlight

During this year's Kaleido Festival, St.Faith's Anglican Church - part of our Bleeding Heart family - will be filled with original music. Join us for Songs by Sunlight and a workshop with Grammy-nominated songwriter Steve Seskin!  

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Poem: Now by Heather Seargeant

Poem: Now by Heather Seargeant

The following poem has been graciously shared by Heather Seargeant, a participant at the recent Art: Vocabulary For The Soul Retreat held at King's Fold in June. 

The retreat was a journey taken in community, and as we gathered to share where we'd been led throughout the weekend, Heather shared this new poem. I asked her if I could share it with you, as I believe it calls us toward to Sacred Small–toward the great gift of attention we can offer to the world and one another. 

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Andrew Myers Paints with Screws

Andrew Myers Paints with Screws

Andrew Myers is an American artist who creates 'paintings' with thousands of screws, inset at various depths, and then handprinted for the final effect.

Myers didn't develop this technique for the blind, but because of his unique portraiture, he was recently able to offer a blind man the first 'look' at a painting of himself. What this touching video of Myers creating this piece, and the subject experiencing it himself for the first time. 

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Art: Vocabulary for the Soul Retreat (with Julie and Sam Drew)

Art: Vocabulary for the Soul Retreat (with Julie and Sam Drew)

This June, from 24th to the 26th, a small group of creative souls will gather in the mountains at a hidden oasis called King's Fold. There will be riverside strolls. There will be fireside chats. There will be Southern Alberta beauty in every direction, and perhaps a few wildlife sightings. There will be, I'm told, very good food. 

Most importantly, there will be opportunity to explore and expand your creative soul. Vocabulary for the Soul retreats have been running for some time now and I'm honoured to join veteran leaders Julie Drew and Sam Drew for this weekend retreat to focus on the 'thin places' where faith and art interact. Perhaps dance is a better word. Or blend. Or weave. Or harmonize.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Danny Schweers Prays in Pictures

I just received the latest edition of Danny Schweers' Photo Prayer this week, and it may be the only email I've consistently read for what must be nearing a decade. 

Photo Prayer is also one of the few projects I've seen tended to with such commitment and care for that length of time. 

With Schweers' permission, I'm happy to share the fusion of word and image that caught my eye this week.

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Hannah Gelderman Puts Animal Heads on People Bodies

Looking up (waaaaay up) from my coffee at Mandolin Books, I recently recognized a series of collages by Hannah Gelderman. I had seen her work a few months back in a solo show at King's University. I was struck by Gelderman's sense of humor. I had to walk up to each piece so I could read the title, often functioning like a punchline. 

Much of Gelderman's work creates narrative vignettes by casting animals as people in various everyday situations. She is also a painter, photographer and filmmaker. 

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All The Dreams I’ve Yet to Dream

All The Dreams I’ve Yet to Dream

What is the best thing you’ve ever made?

I put this question, or some version of it, to friends sitting in my cold basement. We are sipping wine and turning philosophical.

Our answers turn us backward, pulling out relics for show and tell. We are older now. I wonder if we’ll always see our best moments in the rear view mirror, glazed over with the false fondness of memory?

Are your greatest achievements in the past or in the future?

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